2023 Year of The Rabbit Puzzle Sheets

2023 is the Chinese year of the rabbit. People born this year are predicted to be gentle, quiet, elegant, alert as well as kind, skilful and patient. We have lots of rabbit Chinese New Year content for you to enjoy, including word searches, crosswords, colourings and so much more.

Word Search

Chinese New Year Word Search

Celebrate the Chinese New Year with our fun word search. Search for the words vertically, horizontally and diagonally. Can you find them all? We have a solution sheet if you get stuck.

Chinese New Year Word Search Easy

Celebrate the Chinese New Year with this fun word search. Can you find all the Chinese New Year related words? We have a solution page that you can download if you get stuck. 

Chinese Zodiac Animal Word Search

There are 12 Chinese zodiac animals. Can you find them all in this fun word search?


Chinese New Year Crossword

This fun Chinese New Year crossword puzzle is a great activity to celebrate this special occasion. Learn more about the Chinese New Year and if you get stuck we have a solution sheet that you can print off or view. 


Chinese New Year Boggled Puzzle

Try and find as many words as you can in our boggled puzzles. You can mover horizontally, vertically or diagonally to adjacent squares to make words. You get double points for any Chinese New Year themed word. All the rules are printed on the sheet, perfect as a class challenge.

Alphabet Challenge

Chinese New Year Alphabet Challenge

Can you come up with something Chinese New Year related for each of the letters of the alphabet? 


Chinese New Year Arithmagon

These fun arithmagons are a great way to improve logic and maths skills. We have created a Chinese New Year themed sheet, perfect for slightly older children learning about the Chinese New Year.