Dolphins Puzzle Sheets

A dolphin is an aquatic mammal, they are carnivorous and can eat 33 pounds of fish a day! Did you know that they have 2 stomachs, one for storage and one to digest their food? We have lots of great colourings, word searches and other puzzles all relating to dolphins, we hope you have fun exploring this great section.

Word Search

Dolphin Word Search

Find all 18 words relating to dolphins in this fun word search puzzle.

Dolphin Word Search Easier

Find the 12 words all relating to dolphins in this fun word search. We have made it easier by only including vertical and horizontal words to make it perfect for younger children or those new to word searches.


Dolphin Boggled Puzzle

Find as many words as you can using the rules provided in this fun word puzzle game. Don't forget to give yourself double points for any dolphin related words.

Grid copy

Dolphin Grid Copy

Use the grid provided to make a copy of the dolphin. It is easier if you complete one square at a time until you have a complete picture.

How Many Words Puzzles

Dancing Dolphin How Many Words Puzzle

How many words can you make from "Dancing Dolphin" in this fun word puzzle game. Why not challenge your friends or class to see who can find the most words?

Dot to Dot

Dolphin Dot to Dot

Complete the dolphin by joining the dots in this fun puzzle. Great for improving number ordering skills.

Dolphin Dot to Dot 2

Complete the dolphin by joining the dots in this fun puzzle. Great for improving number ordering skills.

Jigsaw Puzzles

Dolphin Jigsaw Puzzle

We have a fun printable dolphin jigsaw sheet for you to enjoy. Just cut out the pieces and try and put them back together again. Why not laminate it so you can play again and again?

Dolphin Number Jigsaw Puzzle

Print out this fun dolphin jigsaw and cut it into strips. Use your number ordering skills to put the dolphin back together. If you want more of a challenge you can always cut off the numbers to make it harder. 

Alphabet Challenge

Dolphin Alphabet Challenge

Can you think of a word for each of the letters of the alphabet relating to dolphins? You might have to get a bit creative with some of the letters. 

Colour Copy

Dolphin Colour Copy

These dolphins look like they are jumping out of the water in this fun colour copy sheet.

Dolphin Colour Copy 2

Use the completed picture of the dolphin to create your own copy by colouring it in to match.

Spot The Difference

Dolphin Spot The Difference

Can you find the 5 differences between these two underwater dolphin scenes?

Complete The Picture

Dolphin Complete The Picture

Can you complete the picture of the dolphin by copying the already completed picture? We have provided a grid to make it easier by copying one square at a time. 

Picture Puzzle

Dolphin Picture Puzzle

Draw out the squares into their correct co-ordinates to reveal the picture. If you don't want to draw out the squares you could always cut them out and stick them in the correct place.